Archive for the ‘Collections & Museums’ Category

Museum for Masking Tape — 3M Museum

August 31, 2010

Dear DMC,

On exciting days when I wish life was more dull, I turn my mind to one of life’s lesser mysteries – masking tape. Imagine my joy at finding an entire museum based on the history of tape manufacturer 3M. Here is a link to their web page:

L. Kenwolf
Elkins, West Virginia

Is there an Accordion Appreciation Society?

August 20, 2010

Dear DMC,

I see you have a nice section about Appreciation Societies on your website. I have often wondered whether there is an appreciation society for accordion fans. I found the button shown above but cannot find any website or other information about the Worldwide Accordion Appreciation Society.

I did find, however, a museum, the Cleveland accordion Museum. Perhaps it can be added to the Collections & Museums section of your website.


Clarence Welk
Strasburg, North Dakota

Collecting Grocery Shopping Lists

August 18, 2010

I shopped at Waitrose in Winchester tonight. The shopping trolley I got had a shopping list, shown above, left in the clipboard Waitrose has on each of its trolleys. I’ll add it to our posting of Grocery Shopping Lists in our Collections & Museums section of our website.

Finding this list tonight is exciting. It is a “found” list. It qualifies for submission to, the world’s largest collection of “found” grocery lists.

I hope the user of this list could read it better than I can. And that they got the two items listed between “fruit” and “yogurts.”

Shovel Museum

August 8, 2010

Dear DMC,

I am happy to report the existence of the “Shovel Museum” located in Stonehill College, Easton Mass USA.

The shovel appeals to dull men due to its evident simplicity, and “ordinaryness”. But like many dull men, under the surface its actually a complex industrial device.

The Stonehill Industrial History Museum seeks to enlighten the curious on the shovel’s importance to the making of great nations.

Here a web link:

Andrew DiPalma
New York

Brains as art — at a unique museum indeed

July 17, 2010

From the Museum of Scienticlally Accurate Brain Fabric Art

Dear DMC

Are we aware of this one?

If not, it’s a no-brainer for the site.

Steve Reszetniak

– – – – – – –

Dear Steve,

Clearly falling into the “What will they think of next?” category.

We’ve heard of “nitch” museums. This one takes the cake.


Prune Museum — the world’s only prune museum

June 26, 2010

Dear DMC,

There is a Prune Museum I thought you would like know about. Click here to read a review about it.

Pierre Ennuyer
Toulouse, France


Dear Pierre,

Thanks for this faboulous information. It’s news to us that there is a Prune Museum.

We hafe added it to our Colledtions & Museums page.

We look forward to visiting it.



Mousepad Museum

May 10, 2010

Click here to get to the museum’s website

Luke Howard, namer of clouds

May 5, 2010

Luke Howard

Dear DMC

Dull men in and around North London may like to know that Bruce Castle Museum in Tottenham has an exhibition devoted to Luke Howard. It is open Wednesday to Saturday, 1 pm to 5 pm, until 19 December and entry is free.

(Information from Marlene McAndrew, Friends of Bruce Castle Museum – as reported in “Notes and Queries”, page 15 of the Guardian G2 supplement, 5 May 2010.)


Steve Reszetniak


Dear Steve,

Thanks for this information about the exhibit. I see that the amazing Cloud Appreciation Socierty has information about this, click here.


Schokland Museum — a museum of gravel

April 10, 2010

Dear DMC,

We have in the Netherlands a museam called the ‘Schokland museum’. It’s about a place that used to be an island, but has been surrounded by land since they made the first polder in the inland sea in the NL. Inside you can see nothing but gravel rocks that where found when the water receeded.

To make sure nobody can have any excitement there, they even refrained from having a coffee-machine. The surroudings are huge stretches of farmland, so the view from the island still feels like you are in the middle of nowhere.

Thought you would like to know. If in NL, do not forget to visit this place to maximise your dull vacation.

Best regards

Bart Mudde



This is great. Thanks.

We have posted it on our Dullog. Do we have the right picture up there for the museum? Do you know of a website that has a good description of what’s in the museum, perhaps pictures of the gravel? We will put it in the Collections & Museums section of our website. What category for it? Gravel?

We indicated your location is The Netherlands. Is there a town we can indicate also?

In appreciation for your contribution to our website, we would like to give you one of our caps or any other item in our gift shop. What would you like? I am in the U.S. now, will be back in the U.K. end of next week. I can post it to you from the U.K. then.




Hi Grover,

I live in Almere, just 25 km from Amsterdam, where  I lived almost all my life. I moved there  few years ago, because in Almere there are no distractions, no nightlife (not even daylife), nothing to do and nowhere to go. Unlike Amsterdam, it is a dead town. Just the way I like it.

The site for the museum is ‘ I must admit they make it look like quite something, the designer is obviously a pro.

The picture I add to this message is from this site and gives a good idea of what can be seen: gravel and some broken pottery. It also indicates the vast emptiness within (as without) the walls of the museum. When I stumbled on it, there was nobody around for miles, not even a keeper or a janitor. And that was in late July, on a beautiful and warm day, at the height of the tourist and vacation season in this country. Because I am a very dull man, I did appreciate the utter stillness.

I think the category ‘gravel’ is good, maybe ‘dumb rocks’ will also do.

I am really grateful for the offer of a gift, but I have not had a present in years, and the excitement of getting one might kill me. And I hear death is even duller than life, so I don’t want to go that way just yet. So if you don’t mind, don’t send me anything, please?

Thanks and best regards


Traffic Cone Collection — now over 500 cones

March 19, 2010

Dear DMC,

I think that David Morgan deserves a mention for his collection of over five hundred traffic cones.

There is no site to go with this only a newspaper article:

“It’s really interesting,” he said. “There are so many different shapes, sizes and colours. And the models are always changing.”

“I’ll find out where the roadworks are and go and look for them. But the best ones are from more unusual places, like village halls and from undertakers – who always have different ones, and look after them.

Everywhere I go, I collect them, but I always take new ones with me and swap them. I would never pinch one, as they’re a safety product.”

I heard Mr Morgan talk about his collection on Radio 4 a few years ago when he only had a couple of hundred.

If I was still in the UK I would contact him and offer to photograph his collection and set up a website.

Peter Foster
Reading Berkshire


Dear Peter,

This is great. We will add it to our Collections & Museums page.

And link to it from our Appreciatoin Societies page — there are two socieites for traffic cones.

